Az offshore angol kifejezés szó szerinti jelentése: parton túli, parton kívüli. Azon vállalatok tartoznak ebbe a kategóriába, melyek a cégbejegyzés országában . The term may be used to describe foreign banks, corporations, investments, and deposits. Examples of offshore in a Sentence. Adjective We sailed to an offshore island.

He works on an offshore oil rig. OFFSHORE , an interactive documentary about the next chapter of oil exploration and exploitation. Moving away from the shore. Located in the sea away from the coast.
Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Oljeprisen skyter opp etter rykter om Opec-møte mandag. Taking offshore operations onshore: Wärtsilä Power solution for normally unattended offshore installations.

As cost pressures in offshore operations continue to . Read the latest news about offshore. By operating a high-tech and versatile fleet of vessels we offer flexible solutions for the most complex offshore energy projects. Our extensive project . The pipeline has been laid in sections between the two landfalls at an ambitious rate. An example of offshore used as an adverb is in the phrase offshore drilling, which means drilling for oil at a . Visit TradeWinds for the best news, insight and opinion covering the global shipping business.
Panama Papers, for example, exposed how Mossack Fonseca, one of the biggest offshore law firms in the worl sold thousands of shell . Offshore is defined as away or far from the shore. ABS classification services are constantly evolving to meet the needs of changing demands in offshore. In the offshore fiel JGC deals not only with FLNG but also possesses industry- leading project execution for LPG-FPSO which involves difficult . BOURBON operates in more than countries, with a modern and standardized fleet of 5vessels and operating affiliates.

The group is a service provider . As partners, we support and supplement the technical teams within the offshore arena, working with renewable energy companies, oil and gas industry majors, . If you are interested in an offshore position at one of our offices and this vacancy is not published on our website, please apply here. The Standard Club is a leading provider of liability cover for shipowners and operators in the offshore oil and gas and alternative energy industry. Station keeping, also known as dynamic positioning, is another key factor when operating in heavy seas around oil platforms and installations. The leading global oil, gas and energy news resource. Covering the latest oil and gas news including shale, lng, drilling, exploration and production.
Stay abreast of offshore news and information pertaining to the oil, gas and energy sectors. As a pioneer in offshore wind power generation, we transform wind into an asset and provide proven and innovative offshore wind turbines for your wind power . MOL FSRU CHALLENGER (left) . AYOP is the network organisation of the North Sea Canal area in the field of .