Amsterdam transport ticket

For your convenience, you can buy your tickets in advance from the GVB website. Complete overview of all public transport ticket types in Amsterdam , Netherlands. From trains, trams, metro or buses, check out our smart travel . GVB is the public transport company of Amsterdam.

Information about travel products, fares, departure times and diversions.

Depending on your travel plans and the duration of your stay, there are a number of different public transport tickets that are especially valuable for . A very easy way to use the public transport system in Amsterdam. The network includes metros, buses, trams, ferries and NS trains. How to use public transport in Amsterdam ? Everything is on just one ticket. It gives you unlimited travel in Amsterdam.

Carefree travel on public transport in Amsterdam. Cheaper than separate tickets.

The price for the 1-day ticket is euros, the 2-day ticket costs 2euros and the 3-. Ride all you can on all GVB trams, buses, ferries and metros, . Amsterdam public transportation tickets can be used on any kind of public transports for given time duration. You can buy tickets as you board any bus , most trams or from the machines at any metro station. A shuttle service to and from Schiphol airport by the Amsterdam Airport Express ( bus 397) and Niteliner (N97).

Bus , tram, metro and ferries. With each ticket you . All trams (trolleys), . Domestic tickets can be bought online or at stations – the fares are the same. Average price in Amsterda€96.

Find out the current prices for a whole list of other products in Amsterdam (Netherlands). Since a few years, all public transport in the Netherlands uses a digital ticketing system called “OV-chipkaart”. GVB Ticket (public transport ). Use your Holland Pass credits for public transportation in Amsterdam.

The GVB ticket gives you access to GVB trams, ( night) buses . If you want to be served by a live person you have to pay cent extra per ticket for. Tickets cost 21€ – 50€ and the journey takes 2h 26m.

Alternatively, FlixBus operates a bus from Amsterdam , Amsterdam Bijlmer to Aachen, . Public transport tickets. In Amsterdam and throughout the Netherlands, residents use the National public transport chip card (named: OV-chipkaart) for traveling . Bring the luggage you want, arrive just mins before departure and enjoy scenic trips by bus. Travel from Rome to Amsterdam by bus.

By Bence